Here's why you shouldn’t damage Joshua trees (if it's not already obvious)

The Desert Sun

January 17, 2019

“It’s heartbreaking to see these remarkable plants cut down,” Mojave Desert Land Trust Director of Plant Conservation Programs Madena Asbell said in an email. “Knowing that a tree is alive and it is so much older than any one of us, and that with one simple, thoughtless act it can be destroyed, is hard to see. This is our natural heritage, and it belongs to all of us."

“Joshua trees are a unique part of our natural heritage and they don’t grow anywhere else on Earth,” Asbell explained. "They are part of the rich, yet fragile, biological diversity of our desert and they’re an important part of the ecosystem. They are also one of the reasons people come here from all over the country and the world. They deserve our respect and they need our protection.”

Read more here.


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