Sign up to volunteer!
Volunteer opportunities
Land stewardship
Volunteers help MDLT staff restore habitat through vertical mulching, sign and fence installation, trash clean-ups, and invasive plant removal. These projects can be strenuous work, requiring the ability to lift heavy objects, walk over uneven terrain, and work outdoors in variable weather conditions. Volunteers can expect to dedicate 4-8 hours a month to this team.
Administrative support
Volunteers help with organizing, filing, scanning, data entry, and mailings. This is the perfect team to join if you prefer working indoors on light, detail-oriented administrative or organizational projects. Volunteers can expect to dedicate 4 hours a week on special administrative projects.
MDLT facilitates a variety of community educational programs in Joshua Tree and across the California desert such as Campfire Talks, community forums, native plant sales, and field trips. Volunteers help with refreshments, parking, greeting visitors, and educating the public about MDLT's conservation work. Volunteers can expect to dedicate 4-8 hours a month to this team.
Native plant nursery
Get involved with native plant conservation by volunteering in MDLT's native plant nursery and Mojave Desert Discovery Garden! This volunteer opportunity is moderate-strenuous work that requires the ability to work outdoors, lift heavy objects, and kneel or stoop for extended periods of time. Volunteers can expect to dedicate 4-8 hours a week to this volunteer team.
Land monitoring
Volunteer monitors hike across the desert with MDLT staff to record changes in the landscape and land use by taking geo-referenced photos and writing monitoring reports. This volunteer activity is strenuous. It requires extra training and a high level of physical and mental fitness and ability to hike across difficult terrain. Volunteers can expect to dedicate 4-12 hours a month to this team.
Outreach & education
Our educational programs empower individuals to develop the skills and confidence to become active community scientists and land stewards. Volunteers for this team will assist with training other volunteers or students in data collection, and play a role in youth education during field trips on local MDLT preserves.
Seed cleaning
Seed bank volunteers support the Mojave Desert Seed Bank by cleaning seeds for production and long-term storage. Seed cleaning is a sedentary activity that requires the use of some hand tools and attention to detail. Volunteers can expect to dedicate 4-8 hours a week to this volunteer team.
Community science
As a community scientist, you can contribute to global and local databases, including MDLT’s projects. This volunteer opportunity is moderate and requires the ability to walk over uneven terrain, the use of digital apps, and the ability to kneel or stoop for extended periods of time.