An open letter

Dear friends,

Like everyone, we have been profoundly moved and affected bythe events of the past week and are reflecting deeply on the challenges facingour society.

This much we know: Today, tomorrow, and in the months andyears to follow, we will stand in solidarity with society’s marginalized andoppressed people.

We join all who unequivocallycondemn violence and racism of any kind. We stand with all who are peacefully expressing theirsolidarity against the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery,and other victims of racially motivated violence.

We pledge to work for an inclusive and diverse society that is free from injustice and with equal opportunities. One of our overarching goals is to protect our wild spaces for all people. We renew our commitment to working with partners to ensure our public lands are safe and welcoming for everyone. We are committed to listening and learning how to be an ally to anyone who is marginalized. We pledge to share stories of black, indigenous and people of color, and will do all we can to broaden our perspectives. If you are a minority voice, we would like to hear from you.  

Now, more than ever, it is vital for the environmental community to amplify and support minority voices in the conservation space if we want to make a difference. Together we can help foster a more inclusive society.

With hope,

Geary Hund


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