The Mojave Desert Land Trust in Joshua Tree announced Wednesday that it has acquired the Palisades Ranch on the Mojave River north of Victorville from the Western Rivers Conservancy. Once slated for 1,300 homes and a golf course, the ranch is within a transition zone which includes important riparian habitat for 39 federally and state-protected wildlife species.
New study finds serious flaws in Cadiz environmental review
“This new scientific study highlights the need for further review of the environmental science underpinning the Cadiz Inc. groundwater pumping project," noted Joshua Friedes, Executive Director of the Mojave Desert Land Trust, which funded the study.
BLM reaches out to local innkeepers
"Participants also heard from newly-appointed Mojave Desert Land Trust Executive Director Joshua Friedes, who spoke of the trust’s desire to build partnerships of its own in the community."
MDLT hires new executive director
Jon Christensen, a UCLA professor and board member of the land trust, said Friedes joins the land trust at a key moment: "The Mojave Desert is more popular than ever. And Joshua has the experience and vision to help us dramatically expand support for conservation in the California Desert among the diverse communities who enjoy the desert and care about its future."
Endgame: SB 120 and the Battle Over the Cadiz Project
According to the Mojave Desert Land Trust, a nonprofit conservation group located in Joshua Tree, the Cadiz project would greatly affect the springs that migratory birds, bighorn sheep and native desert plants all rely on to survive.
Cadiz Inc. wants to sell groundwater from the Mojave Desert. Will California let it happen?
"A recent study funded by the Mojave Desert Land Trust, a nonprofit conservation group that opposes the Cadiz project, found the proposed groundwater pumping would imperil the largest spring in the southeastern Mojave Desert, which nourishes bighorn sheep, migratory birds and dozens of species of native plants."