Rep. Raul Ruiz backs bill strengthening environmental protections for low-income communities (Desert Sun)
Democratic members of Congress are supporting a bill that aims to strengthen environmental protections for low-income communities and would enable people who are disproportionately affected by pollution to sue under the Civil Rights Act.
Babes Ride Out rolling (responsibly) into Joshua Tree today (Desert Sun)
For the past three years, female motorcyclists have descended on Joshua Tree for the Babes Ride Out campout and group ride.
The Energy 202: Interior greenlights desert water project, prompting call for investigation (Washington Post)
The Mojave Desert Land Trust, a nonprofit conservation group that has opposed the pipeline, echoed that concern. “He was one of the folks directing operations at the law firm that was lobbying for Cadiz, and that’s a pretty close link,” said Frazier Haney, conservation director at the land trust, adding that “it’s very troubling that Mr. Bernhardt was on the transition team.”
Trump administration green-lights company's plan to pipe water from Mojave Desert to cities (Desert Sun)
"State officials are now in a position to have a strong voice on the issue, and the federal government’s announcement on the pipeline doesn’t mean the project is cleared to move ahead", said Frazier Haney, conservation director of the Mojave Desert Land Trust, which opposes the project. “This may be an illusion that they’re close to building their project, but they still have some significant challenges to deal with,” Haney said.
Interior clears Calif. project with friends in high places (E&E News)
"This latest decision by the Department of the Interior makes clear that the federal government is intent on rolling back environmental protections on public lands in the California desert," said Frazier Haney, the group's conservation director.