In The News In The News

Mojave Desert Land Trust “Rally for the Monuments” Sees 250 Participants (KCDZ)

A group calling itself “Desert Defenders” rallied at the Mojave Desert Land Trust offices in Joshua Tree yesterday. In April, President Trump signed an executive order directing the Secretary of the Interior to review all national monuments over 100,000 acres that were created between 1996 and 2016 by the Antiquities Act of 1906, to determine if the monuments should be downsized or eliminated. Two of the 27 monuments under review are in our local region: Sand to Snow, and Mojave Trails National Monuments.

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In The News In The News

Residents in Joshua Tree rally to keep protections on national monuments (KESQ)

"To review monuments of 100,000 acres and above, two of our monuments fall into the category, Sand to Snow and the Mojave Trails and we want to share that with our supporters and let them have the opportunity to share with the administration and the community how much they care about this landscape and these two monuments," said Danielle Segura, executive director of the non-profit Mojave Desert Land Trust

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In The News In The News

Residents in Joshua Tree rally to keep protections on national monuments (KESQ)

"To review monuments of 100,000 acres and above, two of our monuments fall into the category, Sand to Snow and the Mojave Trails and we want to share that with our supporters and let them have the opportunity to share with the administration and the community how much they care about this landscape and these two monuments," said Danielle Segura, executive director of the non-profit Mojave Desert Land Trust.

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