Unique Travel Kits Launched for Mojave Parks and Monuments (Palm Desert Patch)

Palm Desert PatchJune 28th, 2018 6:06 am"New travel guides have been launched that piece together the Mojave Desert's national and state parks, and national monuments. The guides will help those seeking adventure, solitude and cultural experiences in the desert.With record numbers of visitors to Joshua Tree National Park resulting in long waits and full campgrounds, there is even more incentive to get out into the surrounding diverse and rich landscapes. The new Adventure Kits launched by the Mojave Desert Land Trust aim to provide visitors with all the knowledge they need in the vast terrain stretching from Death Valley to Anza Borrego State Park..."Read Full Article


How Desert Advocates Are Trying To Protect The Landscape They Love (Pacific Standard)


Before you snap a nature 'gram this summer, think about what you're doing to the environment (Desert Sun)