Shrink this national monument in the Mojave Desert? Conservationists are appalled (Desert Sun)

Desert SunAugust 17th, 2017...Standing next to the Cadiz Dunes during a visit with his colleague Frazier Haney of the Mojave Desert Land Trust, Lamfrom said the attempt to scale back the monument flies in the face of years of community-based efforts to protect one of the wildest places in the California desert.

“We are scared to death that a place that we all love so much might be rescinded, and especially after we worked for decades to protect these places,” said Lamfrom, who has hiked and camped in many parts of the national monument.

Climbing to the top of a dune, Lamfrom looked around at the desert landscape, stretching uninterrupted for miles all around him.

“This is what’s in the crosshairs, all of this,” Lamfrom said. “Can you think of anything more monumental? ... It makes no sense to take something as spectacular as this out of a national monument”...

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