Rep. Cook Instructs DOI To Cut Mojave Trails National Monument (Highland Community News)

Highland Community NewsJuly 12th, 2017 3:42 pmRepresentative Cook has not communicated with his constituents about the Trump Administration’s Executive Order to review select national monuments. Despite his lack of a public statement, Rep. Cook expressed his position in a letter to Department of the Interior Secretary Zinke, encouraging that the Mojave Trails National Monument be reduced in size. (Copy of the letter can be found here.)“It is outrageous that Rep. Cook would go behind the backs of his constituents to argue that one of our Mojave Monuments be diminished. The Mojave Desert Land Trust has invested in this landscape for over a decade, and worked alongside many diverse local groups, to create this monument. Rep. Cook couldn’t even wait until the public had commented before trying to strip protections on land important to the local community.” - Danielle Segura, executive director, Mojave Desert Land Trust...Read Full Article


Rep. Cook signs support of national monument reduction (Victorville Daily Press)


Rep. Paul Cook Sells Out Constituents - and Nation - Instructs DOI to eliminate and reduce national monuments (The Sun Runner)