Plan Protecting Millions of Desert Acres From Development in Jeopardy (KCDZ)

KCDZ Z107.7February 2nd, 2018...The Trump Administration says that California will not be able to meet its goal of having 50 percent of its energy produced from renewable energy sources in 2030 without opening up the desert for energy development. California officials and conservationists disagreed, and immediately spoke out against reopening the plan. Senator Dianne Feinstein said she questions the logic of reopening the plan that was a compromise between energy developers and conservationists, and adamantly opposes it. Frazier Haney of the Mojave Desert Land Trust said reopening the plan would create chaos. Public comments on reopening the plan will be taken for 45 days.Read Full Article


Trump administration threatens California’s deserts (SF Chronicle)


Trump plan could undo preservation of millions of acres of California desert for renewable energy development (The Sun)