Mojave Desert Land Trust

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Mojave Desert Land Trust Responds to Department of the Interior Recommendation for Sand to Snow National Monument (Highland Community News)

Highland Community NewsAugust 16th, 2017 2:44 pm...“Sand to Snow National Monument has retained the protections it deserves, and the Interior should use the same judgment for our other national monuments,” commented Danielle Segura, Executive Director, MDLT. “Diverse communities across the desert fought for over a decade to designate all three of our California desert national monuments. We encourage Secretary Zinke to recognize the public's will and the unique ecological and historical significance of places like Mojave Trails National Monument in his forthcoming recommendations.”Secretary Zinke’s recommendation for Mojave Trails National Monument is tied to the controversial Cadiz Inc. water project, which looks to pump groundwater from an aquifer surrounded by the national monument to coastal cities. David Bernhardt, former lobbyist and lawyer for Cadiz Inc., was confirmed on July 24 as Deputy Interior Secretary, the second ranking position in the Department of the Interior. In a letter to Secretary Zinke, Rep. Paul Cook expressed his position that the Mojave Trails National Monument be reduced in size to accommodate extractive industries in the area...Read Full Article