Mojave Desert Land Trust

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MDLT Response to Department of the Interior Withholding Recommendations for CA Desert National Monuments (Highland Community News)

Highland Community News August 25th, 2017 7:19 am...“The Department of the Interior claimed they wanted to involve the public in the review process, and yet they are cutting the public out of the final recommendations,” commented Danielle Segura, Executive Director, MDLT. “The 2.7 million people who submitted comments to Secretary Zinke deserve to know the recommendations. And the Mojave Desert community deserves to know whether Secretary Zinke listened to us when we said our desert monuments deserve full protection.”The public overwhelmingly supports the continued protection of the national monuments. A new report from Key-Log Economics shows that 99.2% of the comments sent to DOI opposed the possible elimination of the national monument designations or a reduction in their size and protected status....Read Full Article