Mojave Desert Land Trust Responds to Congressional Review of David Bernhardt for Deputy Interior Secretary (Highland Community News)

Highland Community NewsMay 18th, 2017...Management decisions that prevented the project from continuing pending environmental review, he would not commit to recusing himself from profiting from past projects for his full term as Deputy Interior Secretary. Bernhardt also concluded that, though science will play a role in policy making, ultimately the Department of the Interior is “absolutely going to follow the policy perspective of the President” with respect to issues of climate change.“After the hearing, we are even more concerned about the growing threats to public land in the California desert,” commented Danielle Segura, Executive Director, MDLT...Read Full Article


Mojave Desert Land Trust Raises Ethics Issues in Interior Nominee (KCDZ)


Conservationists face unexpected second fight to protect Mojave Desert national monuments (SGVT)