Feds Declare Sand to Snow National Monument Safe (Public News Service)

Public News ServiceAugust 17th, 2017...Danielle Segura, executive director of the Mojave Desert Land Trust, said she wants to see Mojave Trails protected. But she said its fate is in question because Zinke's number two at the Department of the Interior is a former lobbyist for a company that wants to drain water from the desert aquifer and send it to coastal cities."I think that we have reasons to be worried about that. We would like to see the desert as a place not to extract resources, but to allow for a vibrant tourism economy,” Segura said...Read Full Article


Rep. Paul Cook Redoubles Efforts to Remove Protections for California Desert National Monuments (Across California Patch)


Sand to Snow National Monument escapes Trump ‘review’ threat (The Sun)