Discover our desert national parks and rediscover yourself. You can start with Joshua Tree (LA Times)

Los Angeles TimesMay 28th, 2016In fact, "desert" may be one of the oldest words in the world, according to UC Davis history professor Diana K. Davis. In her book, "The Arid Lands," she said "desert" may come from the Egyptian hieroglyph pronounced "tesert," which became the Latin deserere, meaning to abandon and forsake, before becoming the "desert" we know today. Call it what you will; just don’t call it barren. “That’s the perception of people from overly green places,” said Frazier Haney, conservation director of the Mojave Desert Land Trust in Joshua Tree, dedicated to acquiring and protecting desert places. “It’s all about looking closely.”Read Full Article


Desert denizens (Saving Land)


Stunning desert wilderness goes public (Inland News Today)