Desert Hikers, Help the Mojave With Every Step

NBC Los AngelesEven if you're not in the Mojave, some of the Mojave is likely inside your mind, your heart, and your wider, world-loving imagination. For if you've experienced this epic and arid expanse, it is difficult to ever keep it at a distance, even when you are, in reality, many miles away. Joshua trees sprout inside your daydreams, desert tortoises ramble across the paths of your thoughts, and a Mojave Desert sunrise? It has a way of shining a light on the soul, even years after you've witnessed one. How, though, can you really connect with your favorite desert hikes while not actually on those pathways? By showing your support for the Mojave Desert Land Trust, which serves for the Golden State's beautiful, cacti-filled, jackrabbit-joyful landscapes on several important fronts.Read the full article here.


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