Architect Ron Radziner joins MDLT’s Board

Victor Valley Daily Press

Noted architect Ron Radziner has been appointed to the Mojave Desert Land Trust’s Board of Directors, a move that brings an”exciting new dimension” to the accomplished group, according to organization officials.

Radziner is design partner with Marmol Radziner, a Los Angeles-based design-build practice known for an innovative approach and expertise in architecture, construction and the restoration of historic modern buildings. He leads the design of every project and develops solutions that provide a unique architectural identity while forging strong connections between interior and exterior spaces.

Radziner’s appointment to the MDLT Board, announced Wednesday, will augment the group’s diverse makeup and shared vision for desert conservation, “particularly in the integration of human spaces with nature and landscape,” officials said in a statement.

MDLT Executive Director Geary Hund said Radziner’s appreciation for desert beauty, as well as the “interconnectedness between man and nature,” will make him a great fit.

Read the article here.


Ron Radziner Joins Mojave Desert Land Trust Board


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