Vehicle donation program
Donate your car, boat, or RV to MDLT and help protect the unique landscapes of the Mojave Desert.
Since 2006, the Mojave Desert Land Trust has secured permanent protection for more than 100,000 acres across the California desert weaving together National Parks, wilderness areas, and linkage corridors — land that is home to the iconic Joshua tree and federally threatened desert tortoise. Our fragile desert is facing threats from many corners: overdevelopment, climate change, and fire.
Your car donation to Mojave Desert Land Trust will provide funding to:
Preserve, protect and restore prime desert habitats.
Grow desert plants to increase desert tortoise and pollinator habitats and combat challenges associated with climate change and wildfires.
Collect, document and preserve seeds from desert plants for learning and restoration.
Continue to acquire lands that increase the integrity of protected areas.
Provide learning opportunities to residents and visitors of the desert.
MDLT’s success depends on donors like you! Start your donation online today or call (877) 957-2277. Questions? Read our FAQs here.