The desert tortoise population is in steep decline — in some areas, the population has decreased by 90%. Each year the Mojave Desert Land Trust heads out to areas of critical tortoise habitat looking for signs of hope for this threatened species.
With environmental threats like habitat loss and climate change upon us, our beloved wildlife and pollinators will appreciate the sanctuary of your yard. Native plants are well-adapted to this climate and soil, making them a low-maintenance way to beautify your outdoor spaces.
While seeing splashes of bright green amidst our sandy washes might seem like a sight for sore eyes, not all of the greenery is beneficial. Some of these are invasive species that if left unchecked, can run rampant over the landscape, harming ecosystems and the animals who rely on native flora for food. When gardening in your little slice of desert paradise, you’ll want to pull the invasive weeds as soon as you notice them to help the native plants to thrive. How will you know the difference? Read on!