We could not do this work without our dedicated crew of volunteers!
“MDLT’s ongoing accomplishments are made visible and only ever reachable with the hands and minds of our volunteers. Whether you are new or seasoned, whether it be twice a year or twice a week - time is irreplaceable and your donation of time is valued. We thank you for every seed you’ve cleaned, every weed you’ve pulled, every plant you’ve questioned about and every suggestion you’ve made to improve where we were to bring us to where we are today.”
Thank you to everyone who volunteered with MDLT in 2023.
Daniel Aceredo
Jacqueline Addeman
Emily Alexander
Margo Alleman
Robert Bagel
Aitana Balam
Allison Beazell
Lauren Betsworth
Rocio Boice
Melanie Bowman
Andrew Brase
Juniper Brown
Dana Burkert
Sylva Burroughs
Miguel Camnitzer
Wendy Cirko
Joel Clark
Deborah Conow
Christopher Crow
Lauren "L" Dea
Aubrey Diehl
Patty Domay
Nikol Elaine
Samantha Escarcha
Amy Fauls
Larry Fike
Eric Flanagan
Linda Jean Foster
Daniel Friedman
Joseph Giel
Michael Gmitter
Carolann Gneist
Elizabeth Goza
Jean Graham
Olive Green
Selah Green
Adam Groeber
Bruce Guthrie
Terry Hartl
Ryan Hayes
Alexander Heald
Lisa Hearnsberger
Hunter Herbert
Trevor Hildebrand
Allie Irwin
Paul Ivanushka
Helen Jeong
Tracy Johns
Brennan Jones
Tom Kayne
Tim Keenan
Pam Kersey
Kyle King
Terry Diane Kinney
Aidan Koch
Bruce Kroeze
Ty Laarman
Conrad Lambert
Melissa Lee
Tim Liddell
Jennifer Maurer
Marci Mauthe
Arch McCulloch
Kaelyn McFadden
Jean McLaughlin
Carol Mellette
Austin Menard
Ann Murdy
Tyler Nangle
Sean Neades
Jonetta Nordberg-Walter
Michael Osthoff
Fonso Parra
Carmen Petrus
Ted Philips
Kara Presley
Gaby Quezada
Tiowa Reynolds
Rosanna Roa
Thomas Rottman
Odelia Rubin
Mike Rudd
Tracye Saar-Cavanaugh
Brad Sackett
Jessica Sain-Baird
Hugo Sanchez
Mary Ann Sanderson
Barry Scanlan
Tom Scanlan
Mitchell Schlickenmayer
Danielle Segura
Macy Shalliol
Lillian Shao
Maria Shaw
Diana Shay Diehl
Donovan Smith
Alice Sorenson
Julie Stephens
Tara Sunderland
Hope Sweetnam
Kat Talley-Jones
Donna Thomas
Gerry Thuresson
Karla Torres
Shauna Tucker
Laraine Turk
Jessi Turner
Olivia Wagner
Kimberly Walker
Jeff Walter
Margeaux Walter
Erika Walters
Luke Warner
Sarah Warner
Trinity Wave
Jenny Wilder
Heidi Wright
Damaris Zatarain
“The work that MDLT volunteers carry out is critical to our mission at every turn. While daunting mountains of tasks may form between us and our goals, we are safely led across the valley of accomplishment and triumph by the hands of our volunteers. With them, the impossible becomes possible. The unthinkable becomes our playground. The sun rises again for us to greet with excitement and anticipation. Through the donation of time, expertise, encouragement, and curiosity, volunteers help us look forward to a brighter future and look back fondly at what we have already achieved. Thank you to the teachers, veterans, mechanics, artists, chefs, nurses, travelers, and concerned individuals who have banded together with us to protect and conserve this place we call haven and home.”
Every effort has been made to ensure the proper recognition of our volunteers. If your name has been omitted or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies, and notify us at info@mdlt.org.