Mojave Desert Land Trust

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New Role for Mojave Desert Land Trust Executive Director

February 27, 2018
Contact: Jessica Dacey, Communications Supervisor
Phone: 760-851-8294

New Role for Mojave Desert Land Trust Executive Director

Joshua Tree, CAAfter four years at the helm of the Mojave Desert Land Trust, Executive Director Danielle Segura is departing to take up a new position as the vice-president, chief development officer of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.

Under Segura’s stewardship, the Trust acquired and preserved over 22,000 acres of desert land with important biological, cultural and scenic value. To date, the organization has conserved over 70,000 acres. Segura led efforts to conserve Quail Wash, a 690-acre property on the original board of directors’ wish list, as well as private inholdings in Joshua Tree National Park, Mojave National Preserve, and Death Valley National Park, and vital wildlife linkage corridors.

As a natural extension of MDLT’s expanding land conservation work, Segura initiated the Mojave Desert native plant nursery and conservation seed bank in 2016, further developing the headquarters as a conservation resource. Today, the nursery boasts 320 seed collections, does contract growing for special projects, and organizes successful native plant sales twice a year.

A highlight for Segura was securing Land Trust Alliance accreditation in 2017, with MDLT joining a network of accredited land trusts across the nation. The rigorous accreditation program involved a comprehensive review and signified confidence that MDLT lands would be protected forever.

During her tenure, Segura oversaw the introduction of MDLT’s Reading the Landscape program, a set of guidelines to help artists make informed decisions about engaging with this land and its delicate ecosystems. She also launched the Trust’s successful salvage removal and sale program.

“I am deeply grateful for MDLT’s talented and dedicated staff, our knowledgeable board, enriching and supporting partners, generous donors, and passionate volunteers. The work we have accomplished together is truly a highlight of my professional life. I’m leaving MDLT with a great team in place. Our various programs are on a solid footing. I felt it was a good time to transition and allow the organization to move into strategic planning for the future.” – Danielle Segura

Segura previously served as MDLT’s director of development before becoming executive director. She succeeded the Trust’s second executive director, Nancy Karl. Her departure brings the organization full circle, having completed its original strategic plans.

An interim executive director will lead the Trust ahead of the appointment of a new executive director.  MDLT looks forward to moving ahead with exciting strategic planning processes, as well as a number of ambitious land acquisitions in the year ahead, and stimulating outreach and nursery developments.

“The Board of Directors is grateful for Danielle Segura’s strong vision and ambitious agenda during the past four years, consolidating MDLT’s position as one of the leading land trusts in the California desert. Her work bringing in a nursery and seed bank program, and the cultivation of educational and partnership opportunities deepened the organization’s conservation values and contributions.” – John Simpson, President, Board of Directors, MDLT

The Mojave Desert Land Trust (MDLT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission to protect and care for lands with natural, scenic and cultural value within the Mojave Desert. For more information, visit